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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Thursday 10 November 2022

Astonish Moron Mankind's Vision Goal

#Afuni Whether life exists beyond Earth is one of the most profound questions of all time. 
The answer will change us forever, whether it reveals a universe rich with life, one in 
which life is rare and fragile, or even a universe in which we can find no other life at all.
The hunt for an answer also is revealing important details about our own place in the universe 
where we came from, how life came about and, perhaps, where we’re headed. The years and decades 
ahead will bring us ever closer to the ultimate in self-reflection: a mirror image of our own 
planet Earth. A small, rocky world with clouds, oceans and an atmosphere bearing signs of 
possible life. This might be a combination of gases – oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane that, 
seen by themselves, don't tell us very much, but together speak volumes. Such a world might be 
hundreds of light-years away, perhaps forever out of reach. But the molecular evidence we read 
in its atmosphere, using ever more acute technology, could give us the answer we've awaited 
since the dawn of humanity: No, we are not alone. anyways still yet I did not understand 
properly but why moron mankind destroying own lovable planet & exploring others planets 
just for live over there 100% based on guess theory what a strategy own planet destroyer and 
exploring another planet for life literally still yet I did not understand even obviously I 
can't understand mentality of the moron mankind indeed  


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