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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Thursday 10 November 2022

Perfection Comes By Practice Through Lengthy Period

#Afuni As a result, humans have directly altered at least 70% of Earth's land, 
mainly for growing plants and keeping animals. These activities necessitate 
deforestation, the degradation of land, loss of biodiversity and pollution, 
and they have the biggest impacts on land and freshwater ecosystems.
How is nature being destroyed?. Water, land, and air are getting increasingly 
polluted, water tables are falling, soil erosion is leading to desertification, 
global warming is well underway, and species are dying out 1000 times faster 
than their natural rate of extinction. Is a nature is a destroyer?. Nature as a 
Creator and Destroyer in The Hungry Tide Man, though wonders at the beauty of 
nature and its creations, fails to realize that they are also part of the web 
of life in the earth. When did humans start destroying the Earth?. Some would 
assign it to the start of agriculture 11,000 years ago, while others tie it 
to the advent of the nuclear era in 1945, but most recognize the Anthropocene 
as beginning with the industrial revolution (1780s-1830s).in across the world 
situation condition same of the nature behalf enemies of the nature directly 
indirectly moron even I could say insane servants slaves puppets pupils tools 
weapons of the Evil destroying of the nature behalf command of the their master 
the Evil they are well known what are they doing against of nature but exactly 
they doing worse than worst against humanity human being forevermore indeed 


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