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Thursday 10 November 2022

What A History Way Of Treatments

#Afuni In the early 19th century, German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann 
coined the term allopathy. He did this to make a clear distinction between conventional 
medicine and homeopathy, a type of alternative medicine. Why allopathy is the first 
choice for treatment?. In Allopathy, no individualization is kept in mind while medication. 
If two persons are suffering the same disease, both will be treated with the same medicines.
Who is the father of allopathic medicine?. Hippocrates is considered to be the father of 
modern medicine because in his books, which are more than 70. He described in a scientific 
manner, many diseases and their treatment after detailed observation. He lived about 2400 
years ago. Which country invented allopathy?. The word “allopathic” comes from the Greek 
“allos” — meaning “opposite” — and “pathos” — meaning “to suffer.” This word was coined by 
German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s.Is Ayurveda better than allopathy?. Allopathic 
medicine is made in labs and every allopathic medicine comes with side effects that can range 
from mild to severe. In Ayurvedic medicine, this is not the case because all the remedies are 
naturally made with natural ingredients that don't cause devastating effects on your health.
What is the oldest medicine?. The bark of the willow tree contains one of the oldest medicinal 
remedies in human history. In its modern form, we call it aspirin. More than 3,500 years ago, 
the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians used willow bark as a traditional medicine for pain relief.
Who is father of Ayurveda?.Charaka is called 'Father of Ayurveda'. In his book 'Charaka Samhita' 
he had mentioned about 340 plant types and about 200 animal types. Is Ayurveda equal to MBBS?
they are equivalent but both fields have different path to treat patients. Which country has best 
Ayurveda?. Nepal and Bhutan: Nepal is the first country to execute national policy on Ayurveda. 
Bhutan is the biggest exporter of Ayurveda products from India. 2. In other Asian Countries: 
In many other Asian countries like Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Myanmar, Thailand, etc
What are ancient medical treatments?. But you can be the judge. Python Bile to Treat Genital Ulcers.
Elephant Bile to Treat Bad Breath. Bloodletting (and Leeching).Snail Slime to Treat Warts.
Trepanning — Drilling Holes Into Your Skull. Heroin Cough Syrup for Kids. Urine to Whiten Your Teeth. Arsenic to Treat Fevers and Headaches. therefore always should do treatment through natural sources likes vegetable fruit grains pulses spices herbs fish egg chicken meat mutton beef milk 
olive oil exercise swimming climbing tree mountains hill cycling walking indeed


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