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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Thursday 6 February 2020

Divinely Advisory To Us

Where Is The One Who Will Honour The Friends And
Degrade The Enemies Obviously There Is No God
Except Allah The Almighty Kindly Recite Salwat On The
Muhammad SAWS And His Purified Progeny SAWS
Mafi Al Haya Badoon Al Hubba #Afuni


  1. What a beautiful quote MashAllah! I wish I had children, at least one child. I must say that I have always wanted to have a son but a daughter would bring me just as much joy as well. It's much harder to raise a female in this world today. There are way too many constant attacks and battles one has to fight with Shaitan and he seeks to destroy and demolish everything a person tries to build. I must say if I did have children and someone tried to do something to one of them I would snap and probably end up in prison. That's just it though. If I end up in prison I would not get to be with my children. I guess maybe that's why Allah hasn't given me a child while I was married. I can't help it. My heart is filled with Him always and I am way too passionate about what I stand for. I pray for the safety and protection of all children in the world, especially the orphans and the oppressed. My love has no limits and I seek to strengthen it every time I dance with my Beloved. Anyway, I just thought I would leave a little comment for that quote really softened my heart and soul. I LOVE Hazrat Imam Ali's quotes. I receive so much inspiration when I read them. I might not have any children of my own but I still see myself as the mother every and any child lacks due to abuse,neglect or divorce. If I was rich,I would adopt as many orphans and what they call "invisible children " in Bosnia and heal them with my love and inner beauty. It's sad how I have so much to offer to the world and here I am today homeless with no family and no friends. I might be hungry, thirsty,tired,broke and sick but my heart is filled with so much love that my nafs becomes still and steady and my patience for the better to come keeps me at bay. Thank you for posting the quote. May Allah bless you and reward you with Jannah.

    1. Thank you so much indeed for your inner heart's feelings kindness towards orphans girls poverty & specially the Imam Ali as peace be upon him & you did pray for me Barak Allah Fik Ameen Allah the Almighty huge bless & you will get whatever you want be in your life Ameen literally you have much more wisdom of course by grace of the Almighty truly you made me speechless through your perspective point of views though therefore I don't want say much more except thank you so much indeed o respected purified soul & huge all the best you always Ameen...



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