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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Are You Agree It Should Be Continue

#Afuni Kindly Let's Talk Something About Oppression Against Feminine Since When Till Date Oppression is the inequitable use of authority, law, or physical force to prevent
others from being free or equal. Oppression is a type of injustice. The verb 
oppress can mean to keep someone down in a social sense, such as an authoritarian 
government might do in an oppressive society. It can also mean to mentally burden 
someone, such as with the psychological weight of an oppressive idea. 
Feminists fight against the oppression of women. Women have been unjustly held 
back from achieving full equality for much of human history in many societies 
around the world. Feminist theorists of the 1960s and 1970s looked for new ways to 
analyze this oppression, often concluding that there were both overt and insidious 
forces in society that oppressed women. These feminists also drew on the work of 
earlier authors who had analyzed the oppression of women, including Simone de 
Beauvoir in "The Second Sex" and Mary Wollstonecraft in "A Vindication of the 
Rights of Woman". Many common types of oppression are described as “isms” such as 
sexism, racism and so on. The opposite of oppression would be liberation 
(to remove oppression) or equality (absence of oppression).
The Ubiquity of Women's Oppression
In much of the written literature of the ancient and medieval world, we have 
evidence of women's oppression by men in European, Middle Eastern, and African 
cultures. Women did not have the same legal and political rights as men and were 
under control of fathers and husbands in almost all societies. In some societies 
in which women had few options for supporting their life if not supported by a 
husband, there was even a practice of ritual widow suicide or murder. 
(Asia continued this practice into the 20th century with some cases occurring in 
the present as well.)In Greece, often held up as a model of democracy, women did 
not have basic rights, and could own no property nor could they participate 
directly in the political system. In both Rome and Greece, women's every movement 
in public was limited. There are cultures today where women rarely leave their 
own homes.( To Be Continue ) 


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