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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Saturday 22 October 2022

If You Agree To Me Then Do Something For Nature

#Afuni Obviously there is no doubt the moron mankind the main snatchers dacoits 
robbers thieves of the nature specially since late 19th century till date continuously 
stealing assets of the nature continuously stealing sources of the nature intentionally 
they want only wealth even through wrong way even they do not feel bad or guilty 
because they have become slaves servants pupil puppets weapons tools of the nature 
insane human thinks nature not necessary for human therefore they are continuously 
destroying of the nature sooner or later definitely one day insane criminal minded 
greedy of the wealth human will perish of the nature forevermore indeed  currently 
I don't have exactly officially statists figures & report therefore I did not mention 
particular digits regarding how much nature destroyed but we could feel when
 we look surrounding us then we could easily feel & find absolutely 40% nature 
actually accurately absolutely perish forevermore indeed let's get to gather 
protect to the nature by unconditionally truthfully only do save of the nature 


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