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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Thursday 20 October 2022

Nobody Can't Kill To Nature Except Mankind

#Afuni Rising sea levels due to the climate crisis mean that more saltwater 
is making its way into farmlands. damaging crops and harming food production. 
at these threats to freshwater reserves that are crucial to agriculture along 
with solutions to addressing this problem. around one-tenth of rivers around 
the world are affected by salinity pollution .“I think there is like Covid 
fatigue. Once the public is open to it we are going to focus mainly on Climate. 
Global Warming. Our focus was to get Trump out. So our next thing is going to be 
climate change. Agriculture Approximately 55 percent of India’s population is 
employed in agriculture. Given its dependence on natural resources such as soil 
and water, agriculture is significantly impacted by the climate crisis and its 
accompanying effects including land degradation, market volatility in prices, 
and rising input costs. This affects the sustainability of agricultural 
production and the livelihoods of those dependent on it. Declining soil health 
and crop yield necessitate the adoption of practices that regenerate the soil’s 
carbon content. However, farmers may need an incentive to adopt these practices 
as they can be time-consuming and expensive, and unremunerative  in the short term. 
The ability to trade carbon credits at voluntary carbon markets can serve as this 
incentive .every year we just can see decreasing safety of the nature enough and 
nothing else more to that & except listen vows commitments comments commercialization  


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