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Tuesday 18 October 2022

Tremendous Information To Us Indeed

#Afuni Lightning happens when the negative charges (electrons) in the bottom 
of the cloud are attracted to the positive charges (protons) in the ground.
What is lightning and how it happens? .Lightning is an electrical discharge 
caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the ground, or within the 
clouds themselves. Most lightning occurs within the clouds. "Sheet lightning" 
describes a distant bolt that lights up an entire cloud base. Other visible 
bolts may appear as bead, ribbon, or rocket lightning.
How does lightning actually work?. Negative charges gather near the base of 
the cloud, while positive charges build in the top of the cloud. This allows 
electric fields to form and grow between the cloud and the ground and within 
the cloud itself - all necessary conditions for lightning to occur.
How does lightning take short answer?. Cause of lightning
During thunderstorm, when a charged cloud passes over an uncharged cloud, 
uncharged cloud acquires opposite charge by induction and the two clouds 
attract. When they combine with each other, they produce a large amount of 
heat, light and sound also known as lightning. What causes lighting of lightning?
Lightning is visible as a flash of light because of both incandescence (due to 
its high temperature it glows blue-white) and luminescence (excitation of nitrogen 
gas in the atmosphere). Nitrogen, the dominant gas in the atmosphere, is excited by 
this strong flow of energy, its electrons moving to higher energy states.
What is lightning made of?. Lighter, positively charged particles form at the top of 
the cloud. Heavier, negatively charged particles sink to the bottom of the cloud. 
When the positive and negative charges grow large enough, a giant spark - lightning  
occurs between the two charges within the cloud. How hot is a lightning?.50,000 
degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 
degrees Fahrenheit (5 times hotter than the surface of the sun). When lightning 
strikes a tree, the heat vaporizes any water in its path possibly causing the tree 
to explode or a strip of bark to be blown off. Where does lightning begin?
The answer is both. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning comes from the sky down, but the 
part you see comes from the ground up. A typical cloud-to-ground flash lowers a path 
of negative electricity (that we cannot see) towards the ground in a series of spurts.


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