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Monday 17 October 2022

What A Headache For Human Being

In The Name Of Allah The Almighty The All Beneficent The All Merciful 
Where Is The One Who Will Honor Friends And Disgrace The Enemies #Afuni 
Istimnaʾ (Arabic: الاستمناء), Masturbation or Self-gratification is discharging semen by hand, 
etc. in cases other than sexual intercourse. There are two types of permissible and forbidden 
istimna. Some scholars have cited the forbidden one among great sins, prohibited in hadiths. 
The punishment for masturbation is ta'zir (Discretionary punishment) which is determined by 
the Sharia ruler. Masturbation causes janaba which breaks the fast. 
Concept : Masturbation refers to discharging semen intentionally, not any incidence of the 
effusion of semen. Imna' refers to discharging semen with or without the intention of ejaculation; 
however, it has been mostly referred to discharging semen without the intention of ejaculation. It 
has been discussed in the discussions of fasting, i'tikaf, hajj and hudud.[1]
In the Qur'an and Hadiths : In addition to ijma', for the discussion of masturbation, Shi'a jurists 
have referred to the verse 6 of Qur'an 23, according to which seeking any sexual pleasure by any 
means other than through one's spouse or slave-woman is forbidden.[2] In several hadiths, masturbation 
is prohibited. These hadiths are mentioned in Wasa'il al-Shi'a, under the title of the prohibition of 
masturbation.[3] Also, according to a hadith, God will not [make a favorable] look at the one who 
performs masturbation.Forbidden and Permissible Masturbation Masturbation can be of two types of 
forbidden and permissible. Some Shi'a jurists say that if masturbation is performed by the spouse or 
slave-woman is permissible, otherwise, it is forbidden. Some have considered it among great sins.[4] 
On the other hand, some other Shi'a jurists have considered it forbidden even if performed by the hand 
of spouse or slave-woman.[5] Consequences in Jurisprudence Janaba: Masturbation leads to janaba obligating 
the person to make ghusl[6] and leaves him prohibited to touch the words of the Qur'an until then.[7]
Breaking the fast: Masturbation, even the permissible way, breaks fasting and intentional break of the fast 
in the month of Ramadan obligates the person to redo the fast and make the related expiation.[8] Breaking 
i'tikaf: Masturbation breaks i'tikaf if it is performed on the day.[9] Masturbation is forbidden for a 
muhrim and obligates the expiation[10] of giving one camel.[11] However, there is a disagreement among 
scholars on whether it breaks hajj meaning that the current hajj is broken and needs to be redone next year, 
depending on whether it is performed before staying in Mash'ar al-Haram or after it.[12] Some authorities 
have remained silent about it.[13] How it is Proved and What is its Punishment Masturbation is proved by 
testimony of two just men[14] or admission of the committer twice and even once.[15] Some early scholars 
did not consider one time admission, enough for proving it.[16] Punishment of masturbation is ta'zir 
(discretionary punishment), the amount and manner of which is determined by the Sharia ruler.[17] In case 
of repeating it, a stronger punishment will be determined for it.[18]


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