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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Do You Have Satisfaction About Allopathy Luxurious

#Afuni nobody can't understand why medical science allopathy everyday becoming 
huge expensive unnecessary middle class lower middle class average poor below 
poverty line mankind can't afford expenses of the allopathy way of treatment earlier 
allopathy was huge cheapest but unfortunately since 2000 till date allopathy has become 
luxurious lavish way of treatment who is responsible who has accuse directly indirectly 
none another than except business lobby from when business lobby have entered into 
the medical science industry allopathy has become huge expensive way of treatment 
to all human intentionally even world health organization also has silent so then who ; 
will be save of the helplessness moron mankind nobody except genuine creator indeed 


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