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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Monday 26 September 2022

Women Should Be VVIP In Across The Globe By Legally

#Afuni Kindly Let's Talk Something About Oppression Against Feminine Since When Till Date 
Oppression is the inequitable use of authority, law, or physical force to prevent 
Marxist (Engels) View of Women's Oppression
In Marxism, women's oppression is a key issue. Engels called the working woman "a slave of 
a slave," and his analysis, in particular, was that oppression of women rose with the rise 
of a class society, about 6,000 years ago. Engels' discussion of the development of women's 
oppression is primarily in "The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State," and 
drew on anthropologist Lewis Morgan and German writer Bachofen. Engels writes of "the world 
historical defeat of the female sex" when Mother-right was overthrown by males to control 
inheritance of property. Thus, he argued, it was the concept of property that led to women's 
oppression. Critics of this analysis point out that while there is much anthropological 
evidence for matrilineal descent in primal societies, that does not equate to matriarchy or 
women's equality. In the Marxist view, the oppression of women is a creation of culture.
Other Cultural Views
Cultural oppression of women can take many forms, including shaming and ridiculing women to 
reinforce their supposed inferior "nature," or physical abuse, as well as the more commonly 
acknowledged means of oppression including fewer political, social and economic rights.
Psychological View
In some psychological views, the oppression of women is an outcome of the more aggressive 
and competitive nature of males due to testosterone levels. Others attribute it to a self-
reinforcing cycle where men compete for power and control. Psychological views are used to 
justify views that women think differently or less well than men, though such studies don't 
hold up to scrutiny.  Intersectionality
Other forms of oppression can interact with the oppression of women. Racism, classism, 
heterosexism, ableism, ageism, and other social forms of coercion mean that women who are 
experiencing other forms of oppression may not experience oppression as women in the same 
way other women with different "intersections" will experience it.


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