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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Friday 21 October 2022

Nobody Will Not Save Of The Wildlife

#Afuni Obviously verily very core issue for the moron mankind how to protect 
of the nature as soon as possible but unfortunately since late 19th century just 
talking discussing negotiating conversations keep going without of any positive 
result I think all super power countries just diplomatically give news briefing 
according protection of the nature but realistic reality is there is nothing anything 
happening protection about of the nature enough paper work & by oratory preaching 
seminars meetings conventions events except & nothing anything happening positively 
regarding protection of the nature day by day the nature destroying behalf insane 
human minute by minute the nature dying by moron mankind I hope even huge 
confidence the moron mankind will not save of the nature because they don't 
want save to themselves because they have become only slaves servants pupil 
puppets weapons tools of the Evil indeed forevermore 


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