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Happy Christmas 2018 2019, Merry Christam, Happy New Year 2019, Mha Afuni, 

Friday 21 October 2022

Wonderful Concept To Us Just For Lie Purpose

#Afuni With climate change being the greatest challenge we face as both humans 
and the planet, it is up to all of us to take action .Virgin Voyages committed 
to reducing our climate impact and have a global target to achieve net zero 
carbon emissions by 2050. The Arctic is warming on average four times faster 
than the planet as a whole and, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on 
Climate Change, is nearing points “beyond which rapid and irreversible change”. 
In 2021, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted 
that by the year 2100, the global mean sea level is expected to have risen by 
half a meter or up to a meter higher in two centuries.whatever will happen we 
will be not witness because we holders of unsure unguaranteed life therefore 
currently nothing anything changed no never not at all behalf super power 
countries club and united nation everyone have become professional polotian  


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